Hi, I’m Myrna Tam-Natividad, a.k.a. Mommy Negosyo, Mommy N for short.

I'm your Business Breakthrough Mentor and Mindset Coach for Women.

My mission is to help you have clarity, gain confidence, and achieve your goals.

You might wonder why I'm so passionate about helping entrepreneurs like you.

Here’s a quick backstory...

I woke up in a dark, stuffy room, feeling desperate and exhausted.

It had been what? Two? Three days?

Years of failed businesses, crushing debt, a shattered family...

The weight of it all threatened to pull me back under.

As I struggled, I felt like I was on the edge of despair.

How I Got Here

How did I even get here?

I was always a teacher at heart.

Growing up, my dream was simple: job, husband, kids, a little house, a car.

Driven to achieve my dreams, I worked hard and reached my first three milestones: a job, a husband, and kids.

But, when my husband faced unexpected unemployment, our plans hit a roadblock.

The responsibility to feed our baby fell on this shy Math teacher.

Desperate, I managed to step outside my comfort zone.

I was willing to sell anything, which led me to discover jewelry.

It paid more than teaching ever did, so I took the opportunity and let go of my “teacher” dream.

After giving it much thought, my husband and I built the business.

Well, that’s when things went wrong.

The Cost of Having No One to Guide Us

We weren’t business graduates.

Because we didn't know better, we thought sales were the most important thing.

So, we borrowed more money to buy and more inventory to sell.

But as our sales increased, our debt increased even more, and faster.

It didn't make sense.

With no one to guide us, we assumed that we were in the wrong business.

We decided to stop our losses and look for something better.

This led to decades of trying new businesses desperately.

Each business failed, our debts grew, and our dream seemed like a cruel joke.

A Glimmer of Hope

Then in the recesses of my heart, I heard a voice saying, “You still have a mission.”

I couldn't believe it.

Yet, deep down, those words sparked something...

A surrender and a refusal to give in.

Feeling all the pain, confusion, disappointments, and frustrations,

all I could do was look up to the heavens, and say....

“If I have a mission, then take over! I do not know what to do anymore!”

From Rock Bottom to Rebuilding

After a few days, the fog of despair began to lift.

My husband and I, finally on the same page, resolved to fight back.

Then, things started to fall into place.

Unexpected support arrived.

People were eager to help.

This included our eldest daughter, who returned home.

As well as mentors like book authors, seminar leaders, and our franchisors.

With their help, we started to pay off the debt that had enslaved us for three decades.

A Mission Awakened

As our other children returned to join the family effort, my husband and I were able to step back.

This allowed us to finally enjoy the fruits of our labor.

So, we traveled the world.

And we saw other countries progressing while our beloved Philippines lagged.

We met OFWs on our travels, their stories of sacrifice piercing our hearts.

That's when I realized...

The only way to help my country was to empower Filipinos to build successful businesses here in the Philippines.

No more should families be torn apart in the search for a better life.

Returning home, our experiences opened my eyes.

I couldn't unsee the pain of separation, or un-know the potential trapped within my country.

It was time to share the hard-won lessons that had saved me…

Lessons I spent years stumbling upon, not realizing there was a simpler and easier path.

The lessons learned to empower others and prevent them from repeating my mistakes.

I knew firsthand the paralyzing confusion of too much advice, of feeling lost without a guide.

My journey wasn't about finding that 'magic' business idea.

It was about changing myself.

Years as a teacher and battling with my husband taught me that success goes beyond skills.

It's about mindset, overcoming debt, and building strong family partnerships.

Many struggle to find the 'right' business idea, like I did.

They don't realize that mastering ourselves first is what leads to success.

Too often, I see well-meaning people thinking that everything is a marketing problem.

They forget that a leaking ship won't sail, no matter how fast you row.

Debt management, the business foundation, is just as crucial.

More than 20 business mistakes and more than 30 years of confusion.

Those struggles weren't failures, they were my education.

Now, it was my turn to be the mentor I never had.

Transformative Mentoring

And my heart goes out to people, like me, juggling her business dreams with her love for her family.

I want her to know that it doesn't have to be a choice.

I see her late-night struggles, the doubt, whispering, “Is this all worth it?”

I want to be the mentor I wished I had.

The one to show her a smoother path and to believe in herself, even when it feels impossible.

I've distilled everything I learned the hard way into practical tools.

From step-by-step guides to a supportive community.

No more wasted hours, no more feeling overwhelmed.

Just clarity and the confidence that comes from seeing real results.

Because I know her deepest desire isn't only about business.

It's about providing for those she loves and leaving a mark on the world.

I'm here to tell her that she can do both.

I know the overwhelming sea of business advice all too well.

But what sets me apart?

My programs and coaching combine practical, real-world strategies with the heart of a teacher.

I simplify complex ideas so you can finally feel in control of your business AND your life.

It's not only about the 'what' of business, but the 'why' as well.

I've seen too many talented women held back by self-doubt and limiting beliefs.

That's where my decades of experience, both as an entrepreneur and mentor, shine.

Here Are Two Clients Who Have Experienced Breakthroughs

Take Jenny (name changed for confidentiality) for example:

Good sales, yet constant debt.

She owns a 2-year-old fast-food restaurant in her hometown.

She came to me thinking that she needed help with marketing strategies.

Within weeks, we uncovered the subconscious money patterns sabotaging her success.

She discovered how she unconsciously “inherited” her mother’s money blueprint.

She spends like a millionaire whenever she experiences a windfall in her business.

Even if she could pay her suppliers in cash, she prefers paying in installments, even if they cost more.

Once her mindset shifted, then we implemented growth strategies.

The result?

Two thriving branches and a newfound confidence.

Here’s another mentee...

Ana's (name also changed for confidentiality) story is all too familiar.

Early success, then frustration and fear as things stall.

She reached out to me when she noticed her old methods weren't effective anymore.

Her sales were dropping, and she worried about having to return to her old job soon.

At her request, we focused on improving her marketing tactics.

But, as sales picked up, she encountered issues with deliveries.

Through our discussions, she realized she hesitated to hire and train a team due to past mistakes.

She overcame those challenges with mindset work and strategic marketing.

Through this, she quadrupled her sales.

That Kind of Transformation is Possible for You, Too!

You don't have to wander the business wilderness alone.

If you're ready for growth, a supportive team, and business freedom...

Don't wait another day.

My Free Business Breakthrough Starter Kit is your first step to the thriving business you deserve.

Ready to experience lasting change?

Check out the other options to work with me here.

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